Patrick Combs asks What is Your Best Work?

Are YOU here to please your muse and the universe or someone or something else? Patrick Combs best selling author, inspirational speaker, humorous entertainer- and most recently, co-founder of a global personal development company worth millions reminds us to be brave with our creativity and turn on the spigot to our divine and natural genius! Join us in conversation and notice what resonates with you. Three successful businesses in three different industries… Wow!

Live Your Peace interviews
Patrick Combs

Patrick Combs, writer, speaker, entertainer
Patrick Combs is widely known as a bestselling author, an inspirational speaker, humorous entertainer – and most recently, a Patrick Combsco-founder of a global personal development company worth millions.

Since 1992, his inspirational speaking talents have propelled him to more than 1,000 speaking engagements for Fortune 50, 100 & 500 companies, national associations, non-profits, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, salespersons and for Ivy league and state universities. His clients include Shell, Motorola, Visa, Boeing, Stanford, Penn and Babson. He is in the Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame along side greats such as Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Tom Peters, Wayne Dyer, Steven Covey, Barbara Deangelis and Og Mandino. He’s been interviewed on national television by Barbara Walters, had his story told in more than 300 newspapers including Wall Street Journal, NY Times and USA Today, been featured on ABC Nightly News, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America, CNN, Phil Donahue, Montel Williams and The Late Show, and three times been nominated Speaker of the Year by event planners.

His skills as a comical entertainer have taken him on a rocket ride that identified him recently as one of the “funniest new comedic talents in America.” In the past two years alone, he has been discovered by the two most prestigious comedy festivals in the world, HBO’s U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen and Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, and performed his solo comedy act off-Broadway. He continues today to entertain sold out audiences around the world.

In his newest role as co-founder and Chief Transformational Officer of LifePath Unlimited, Patrick designs the company’s life-changing products and live events, which are hosted around the globe.

Whether to inspire or entertain, or to do both, Patrick always adds Wow to an event.

Check out out Patrick’s resources at:


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