“What is your best Possibility?” with coaches Chris and Jon

Jon Satin & Chris Pattay, possibilitycoaches.com/Jon Satin MBA and Chris Pattay BBA are  Life & Relationship Coaches, Business Consultants, Emotional Healers, Seminar Facilitators, Published Authors, and Entrepreneurs.  Since founding Possibility Coaches in 2002, they have been actively exploring the human experience and condition, and empowering individuals and business owners worldwide to live a life of meaning, passion and purpose.  Using proven methods during years of training and mentoring, they transformed themselves and they can do the same for you!  Your insurance company may now recognize and reimburse for Life Coaching!

Ruth Anne Wood interviews
Chris & Jon, Possibility Coaches


“The true indicator of a life well-lived is not about what you are doing or where you are going; it is about how far you’ve come from yesterday to today!” ~ Jon and Chris

Life · Relationship · Business …helping you get from where you are now, to where you want to be…fast!

The Possibility Coaches™ Jon Satin and Chris Pattay are known as The Positive Change Experts.  They are Life, Relationship and Business Coaches. Chris and Jon assist people to live their lives authentically to the core of their being.

Their focus is creating positive results for individuals 40+ with life’s challenges and transitions.  Since founding Possibility Coaches in 2002, they have been actively exploring the human experience and condition, and empowering individuals and business owners worldwide to live a life of meaning, passion and purpose.

Jon and Chris, Living an Inspired Empowered and Joy-Filled Life!

Jon and Chris are the authors of “Living an Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life: 365 Daily Tips to Get You There!”  Chris and Jon offer their coaching services locally in person at their Doylestown, PA office or nationally and internationally by phone or skype.  Your insurance company may now recognize and reimburse for Life Coaching!  Contact them for a complementary 30 minute phone or skype coaching session at 215-794-0135 •  888-372-2473 or email: coaches2@comcast.net

Projects/Upcoming Events:

Workshop with us and Edie Weinstein: Creating Healthy and Fulfilling Relationships. Sunday, June 23rd

Forgiveness Project Teleseminar, Tuesday, May 14th (2nd Tues of each month)

Teaming with Sylvan Learning Center in Hamilton NJ for educating parents and teens on  Bully-Proofing Yourself and Your Kids 

We are developing our new and upcoming book based on our Blueprint For Living Program “Mastering Your Mindset…Loving Your Life! Mastering Your Mindset… Loving Your Life!

Forgiveness Project Teleseminar: ForgivenessTeam.com

The Hour of Empowerment Teleseminar: Possibility Coaches Call


Book: 365 Daily Tips
Blog: www.PossibilityCoaches.net



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1 Response to “What is your best Possibility?” with coaches Chris and Jon

  1. Pingback: After you give and give when is it time to receive? | JV ATTRACTIONJV ATTRACTION

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