Ute Arnold Explores Nature and Art for Healing

Ute Arnold, UnergyUte Arnold a renaissance woman creator of Unergi explores the tools she uses in her own life and clients/students as an artist, world traveler, psychotherapist raised in Germany and in the states since the 1970’s as a body worker who uses the “brain of the heart”. We explore intentional living, aging and our choices as capable citizens of the planet. Notice how this conversation enlivens the imagination, senses and self and group exploration

Live Your Peace interviews
Ute Arnold


“This is my love affair with life. My life teaches me that only when I myself am willing to take care of Ute, while I am with another person, can I offer all of me. Then my giving is receiving and my receiving becomes giving and I feel that I am in an unconditional circle which I have called Unergi- Unity & Energy. To communicate with people in this way to experience grace.” – Ute Arnold

Ute Arnold founder, director and teacher of the non- profit Unergi School developed the Unergi Method by integrating several healing modalities. She is a visual artist and holistic body psychotherapist with a private practice in Mt. Airy (Philadelphia) and Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania. As an Alexander teacher, Gestalt therapist and Rubenfeld Synergy practitioner and trainer, she also holds degrees in Art and Design from Schaeffer School of Design, San Francisco, CA and Chelsea School of Art, London, England. She has been leading workshops and training since 1978, for centers in Scandinavia, France, Greece, Canada and the United States. Link to order Ute’s book Touchback.

Check out Ute’s resources at:

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3 Responses to Ute Arnold Explores Nature and Art for Healing

  1. Ute Arnold says:

    Tea Leaves

    my teabag plump
    yawning i nestle again into the blue down covers
    where night dreams are held hostage
    no matter how much I would like to remember
    for silent fear

    would they be intrusive like
    Schubert’s piano peace, each finger
    with too much force and urgency to call
    me into awakening

    i prefer the hovering white lace of the
    dogwood, the pale streaking cloud
    that leaves steady fading presence of pink gray
    peace on a pale blue vastness
    the deer, head down, finally finding
    spring’s green morsels as its stalking legs
    edge their way to the hostas and hydrangeas in
    my garden

    can i at least share that much
    can i make room for the critters that,
    like me, forage for sustenance after a long hard winter

    Bizet is writing of a Franco-Prussian war in his overture, nothing
    much has changed in our prideful ringing for dominance, and fear of safety
    the trumpets’ patriotic fatherland blaring
    still for greedy expansion

    300 people tornado dead in Arkansas on Wednesday
    Japanese searching in Tsunamis rubble
    a royal wedding under gray British clouds

    once again our hunger for childhood fairy tales and celebration blankets concern for clean water, as
    Dvorak’s strings find ‘My Home’ in a national anthem
    i wonder what is left of his home now, in Tchekoslovakia

    my patch still looks green from my bedroom window
    where i dream
    with cold tea
    and Mozart’s first minuet

    Ute Arnold, MFA
    Body-Psychotherapist, artist, author
    Unergi Holistic Therapy School

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