Two Time Oprah Guest Trisha Gallagher Has a Team of Angels

How Do You Get A Team of Angels?

Partricia Gallagher, Team of AngelsA two time Oprah guest and author of “No More Secrets”, Trish Gallagher tells her remarkable story of her family hiding that Trisha’s husband tried to commit suicide after being laid off from a corporate job. At the time, Trisha prayed for herself and young children in when this happened in the 1990’s asking for God to “Please send a team of angels because one wouldn’t do.”

Ruth Anne Wood interviews Trisha Gallagher

Trisha describes how she began writing reams of poems related to her team of angels. Then she contacted a manufacturer and ordered over 10,000 angel pins that she created to go with her poems. Over ten years later she’s mail over 100,000 angel pins to people in need all over the world from local families in crisis to service people over seas, to parents of dying children. “Live Your Peace” has teamed up with a “Team of Angels”. Discover how angel pins have brought families together through hope and inspiration and how they can bless your life as you share these angel messages with others!

Check out more of Trisha’s resources:
267 939 0365

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  1. Pingback: Interview with Ruth Anne Wood yesterday – Happy Flower Day Project. | Life Enrichment and Therapeutic Recreation Programs for Seniors

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