Cherie Lyon Teaches Us About the World of Akashic Records

Welcome to the life you are currently creating as a conscious endeavor. When Cherie Lyon was 48 she was told that she was a lightworker here to serve humanity with The Akashic Masters. It was a choice she could make to accept or not. This was a wonderful revelation and relief that she had found her purpose.

Live Your Peace interviews
Cherie Lyon

It was not that Cherie had consciously searched for it, but she had decided in her early thirties there had to be more to life than corporate consulting. She had explored many somatic (bodywork) modalities since she left her MBA life behind and had become a Certified Rolfer. This path took her more consciously into her body. By the time she turned forty she became a mother to her beautiful daughter, Natalie.

The Gift of Motherhood

When Natalie was two Cherie began to meditate and explore Buddhism. Without having a conscious experience of karma or past lives, she remained agnostic and delved further into vibrational medicine to resolve her childhood issues that were arising through motherhood. Using a pendulum and kinesiology Cherie began to develop her intuitive self. She sought out healers that could talk to her guides and see her body’s energy field. One day she received a phrase in her mind. It was very clear and concise – ‘You must learn to read the Akashic Records to get over your agnosticism’. Cherie had gravitated out of strictly analytical modalities, such as psychotherapy into energy/soul work, yet still did not have a sense of conscious connection to spirit.

The Records

Though Cherie didn’t know where this mandate came from, she received an email around the same time, from a healer-teacher in Miami. She had spoken to him the previous year regarding Sacred Geometry. Ernesto Ortiz also taught AR workshops. Within a month she had taken his workshop to read her own records. Three years later and her life has completely changed. Cherie is now able to speak with her guides, Archangels and Divine Masters, who so lovingly shouted out the mandate she was meant to follow. Cherie has been rapidly moving from a life of emotional struggle locked in her analytical left brain to a life of liberation and creative flow that her newly discovered right brain affords her! She is learning how to master her mind to create what she wants in her life, which is in great alignment with my personal goals and primary purpose she came here to accomplish. “Life is truly a gift and I am learning to live in gratitude, beauty and joy. I respect where each person is on their path and am here to serve as a liaison to this powerful resource. May everyone come to see the essence of who we all are – shining, luminous divine light having an Earthy experience for the purpose of our soul’s evolution.” -Cherie Lyon

Check out more of Cherie’s resources:

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4 Responses to Cherie Lyon Teaches Us About the World of Akashic Records

  1. Pingback: Kayla Finlay and her Raphael Hinda Wellness Cooperative | Live Your Peace

  2. Pingback: Day 3 – One Peace at a Time | Live Your Peace

  3. Pingback: DAY 9 – Completion Written on 9 9 | Live Your Peace

  4. Cass Forkin says:

    Cherie’s story is wonderful. Thank you for sharing, Ruth. I am relating to it on a very deep level and it is great to know there are other MBAs, left brainers, who have converted to soul evolution and the right side of the brain.

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