As the Senior Director of CEO Space Mid Atlantic Rob Adams love helping Entrepreneurs

As the Senior Director at CEO Space Mid Atlantic, Rob Adams assists in directing people to the needed business resources to accelerate business growth. It’s not as much about where you are as much as it is to whom you have access. That is his specialty. He is a business consultant who can assist you in accessing your most serious business connections and resources. With a background in physics Rob understands the power of business inertia and orbiting around the right people for maximum alignment with your goals and ideal business growth.

Live Your Peace interviews
Rob Adams

In real estate you hear that the most important thing about a property is “Location, Location, Location”. When growing a business, Rob Adams says, “The most important thing to consider is “Access, Access, Access!”

Rob assists entrepreneurs and business owners in accessing their resources to develop better business plans, better business teams, and their sources necessary to execute business growth in an accelerated manner through a forum setting held five times a year. If you are seeking a greater client/customer or network contact base CEO Space is the place. If you are seeking capital through investors, CEO Space can assist you. If you would like an entrepreneurial MBA level business education or business training upgrade, CEO Space is your answer.

Rob is the standard by which the term networking should be judged. He goes out of his way to help people, always does what he says he will and asks nothing in return. If only we could all be like this.  November 22, 2011

Rob Can offer you access to:
• Entrepreneurial Education
• Lifetime Support through a 25 year old private business entrepreneur organization that functions cooperatively/collaboratively to accelerate business growth through:

• Capital Compliance
• Capital Raising
• Investor Relations
• Client Acquisition
• Business Resources
• Marketing
• Branding
• Distribution
• Manufacturing
• Sales
• Business Hyper Growth
• Product Development
• IP Protection
• Product Placement
• Strategic Alliances

In addition to being the Senior Director at CEO Space Mid Atlantic, Rob Adams is the Entrepreneur Member at Kingdom Chamber of Commerce and Platinum Circle of Champions. Formally he was the Physics & Principles of Technology Instructor at POLYTECH and a Physics Instructor at Caesar Rodney High School Education. He holds a masters in Instructional Physics at the University of Delaware.

Rob  grew up in Fort Ashby, a small town in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, on a farm. It was on the farm that I learned the value of hard work. Upon graduating from college in  1972 he moved to Delaware where he taught Physics for 33 years. He enjoys Sailing, Hiking and Traveling, enjoying time with my family, wife Cheryl and having time to play with his grandchildren.

In July of 2004 Rob and his wife joined CEO Space and became club presidents where they began to introduce others in the Mid Atlantic region of the advantages of being a member of this private business organization.

Why Rob is doing this Challenge:

As a teacher, Rob became a lifelong learner. He continuously seeking ways to expand himself and how he relates to others.

As a teacher, his objective was to change the lives of the children with whom he came in contact.

As a businessman, his objective is very similar: to do all he can to assist in changing the lives of entrepreneurs and business owners who want to make a difference.

Rob Adams is a world change agent and wishes to continue to grow in his influence to help others become all they can be… to find and live out their destiny.

Rob believes this challenge is one of the elements to challenge him to continue to grow and be the best I can be.

302-698-1709 or

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