Featured on Int’l Dutch Model Nora Gauma’s “Model On A Mission” Blog

Nora Gouma, is Model On A MissionJust like Ruth helps businesses grow through goal setting and achievement, marketing/ mindset and client communication training, Model On A Mission blog features eco friendly companies making a real difference in the community. This Dutch model Nora Gauma uses her superstar status and awesome social media savvy to bring awareness on leading issues, companies and products that are eco friendly and make a positive difference in the community!   Read more:

It’s truly an honor to have Live Your Peace and Scripting for Success featured on the Model on a Mission blogfacebook and twitter pages!

The feature article is entitled: “Ruth Anne Wood specializes in support to discover your true worth and realizing your life work”

The Model On A Mission article talks about:

shadow derby goddess 2Ruth being a professional writer, publisher, marketer and success trainer with over 10 years experience servicing clients across sectors (business, education, non-profit, and journalism).

It goes on to cover how Ruth solves client problems by designing and developing goal setting and achievement action plans and giving them technical support with writing, marketing, funding, joint ventures producing live events, tele-classes, print and online publications.

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