Win the Race of Life at 180 MPH with motorcycle champion Nadine Lajoie

Nadine Lajoie isĀ  a championship motorcycle racer, an international motivational speaker, a best-seller author, a coach, a musician and singer, a real estate investor, and a finance expert who is dedicated to help others reach the life of their dreams with balance and passion!

Ruth Anne Wood interviews Nadine Lajoie

Her Mission: Create a motivating and inspiring product portfolio utilizing motorcycle racing as a powerful and energetic medium to provide positive and uplifting inspiration for people struggling to find their way in the race of life.

Her Vision: Being a worldwide role model by speaking, racing & singing around the world to motivate and inspire millions of entrepreneurs and women from 15-55, in all walks of life. We want to create a franchise to build confidence and create passion within themselves to reach their goals and dreams.


Check out more of Nadine’s resources:

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