Lori Leyden Bridges Rewanda With A Global Community

Inspired by her life-changing experience working with widow and orphan head of households in Rwanda in the fall of 2007, Lori and her organization are committed to raising consciousness for personal and global healing.

Live Your Peace interview
Lori Leyden, PhD, MBA

Lori is a former psychotherapist, public speaker, workshop leader, and now facilitator of The Grace Process, a spiritual practice for joyful living. With over 30 years experience in the fields of psychotherapy, business and spiritual growth, Lori holds a PhD in Health & Human Services and an MBA in Management. As a Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association, she was the first Spirituality Columnist for the Association’s professional journal, Annals. She is the author of The Grace Process Guidebook: A practical guide for transcending your ego and engaging the wisdom of your heart to harness grace and receive the healing you yearn for and The Stress Management Handbook: Strategies for Health and Inner Peace available in English, Spanish, Arabic and Korean.

Check out more of Lori’s resources at:

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5 Responses to Lori Leyden Bridges Rewanda With A Global Community

  1. Pingback: Kayla Finlay and her Raphael Hinda Wellness Cooperative | Live Your Peace

  2. Pingback: Day 1 – One Peace at a Time – | Live Your Peace

  3. Pingback: Day 2 – One Peace at a Time – Let’s get this party started | Live Your Peace

  4. Pingback: Day 8 – Ask For Health | Live Your Peace

  5. Pingback: Ken McArthur demonstrates: if we do nothing we still make an impact | JV ATTRACTIONJV ATTRACTION

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