Joshua Duncan and the Way of the Traveling Shaman

Hermes is a student & teacher in traditions of human excellence and mastery. He leads empowerment workshops – and offers personal  counsel & transformation work. His background consists of intensive study with Peruvian & Native American Shaman, three years intensive meditative practice – with more than a year in silent retreat, and living as an ordained novice Buddhist Monk. Joshua has received initiation & blessing to transmit energy & knowledge of living masters.  There are infinite paths, and they all lead to the divine…The Path of Joy is the Shortest!

Live Your Peace interviews
Joshua Duncan  

A typical westerner after high school chose an a typical path to go within and study in remote parts of the world to gain a deeper connection to self.

“My quest for self knowledge has taken many forms throughout my life, and my history contains experiences and deep inner transformational work that many will never even taste in a single lifetime. It takes wholehearted dedication, and full time focus to go to the places I’ve gone – and I willingly and openly share my experiences and insights with you, so that you can benefit and create positive improvements upon your own life – learning from the hard learned lessons I’ve lived.

In regards to learning, there are three types of people in the world: one who learns from their own experience, one who learns from the experience of others, one who learns from wisdom teachings. There is no better or worse – simply the speed in which one can develop and learn is a direct result of the flexibility and openness in which one is able to learn.

My life is a result of a little of all three. At times I was stubborn and refused to listen to teachings or even by observing others – so I had to learn through my own experience. Other times I zoomed by, applying wisdom teachings to my way of life and following direct instruction for how to develop myself.

I believe we each are creators of our own reality, each capable of miraculous things, each containing the power of the entire universe inside ourselves. It is my purpose to explore the depths of my essence, and define the undefinable; I embody this Truth which I have discovered within – and my life is my creative masterpiece.

I realize and honor the Truth that we have all we need inside ourselves, and we just must open to and access our own potential… Do we know how to best open? We have been educated in the ways of science, arithmetic, and business, yet we do not even know the most basic principals of healthy living, or even healthy eating! We can run a business but cannot run a family. This is all result of our training and education. And if our own personal development – which is developing ourselves in harmony with the way of nature – is dependent upon the same education that we have received then we are a long way off from healthy happy living. Even if we depend upon books we read – this is a one dimensional image that our minds interpret, and our mind is the same source of all the other eduction and programs we’ve received. Essentially we are still only seeing things the way we have been programmed to see.

We need a living teacher, to transmit living knowledge, that is appropriate to your specific situation. A living teacher, who transmits energy and guides us through the tangled mess of our habits and patterns.

To realize ultimate truth and develop consciousness we must work on a very subtle level. And this is something that cannot be grasped in books – in fact it cannot be grasped at all! It must be experienced, transmitted by a living master. This is why traditions exist. They transmit energy and knowledge, from teacher to student.

Only in this way can we hope to come out of our own delusion and ego centered existence. Even when we are working on “dissolving the ego” it is the EGO who is doing the work. Eventually there comes a point when the doer must dissolve too, and this isn’t an easy thing – when all we know must be destroyed. Who is ready to die? Certainly not I… A teacher offers the living inspiration of what is possible, transmits the energy of freedom and Truth, and guides you through your real life situations to ultimate Truth.

In the final stages of liberation, we must have something outside of ourselves to trust. For we must leap from our high tree, forever leaving it behind. A teacher shows us that we can fly, and teaches us – so that one day, we can leave the nest forever.”


It is the purpose of Joshua’s blog, to share with you perspective and practices for creating greater and greater levels of health, happiness, and success in your life. If you are interested in realizing who you are, and aligning your life with this Truth, his blog will provide inspiration, insight, and valuable resources for just that.

Check out more of Joshua’s resources at:

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