Heshie Segal Connecting Professionals and Helping Millions

Heshie SegalFor decades, Heshie Segal has devoted time to helping children in the US and around the world.  She has set up programs in schools, donating whatever was needed. Her goal is to raise funds for one million children to receive, clothes, school supplies, clean water, medical needs and generators.

If anyone can achieve this Heshie can with her keen ability to connect  business owners, Network Marketers, schools, hospitals and corporate leaders.

Inspirational work runs in the family with Heshie’s husband Werner Berger who is one of the oldest record holding mountain climbers in the world. Warner’s trip to Tanzanian Safari, and the Mt. Kilimanjaro climb led Heshie to her first group of children to help outside the United States.

Ruth Anne Wood interviews
Heshie Segal

Heshie Segal is a professional speaker, trainer, consultant and executive coach, small business entrepreneur, advocate for kid all over the world, Network Marketing strategist. She helps top executives, managers and individuals build their business through relationships. Corporations, colleges, universities and individuals alike seek out her powerful presentations. Her warmth, energy, and expertise lead to substantive change regardless of the venue.

Heshie Segal teaches her clients how to turn a business card, a presentation, and even a chance meeting into lasting business. For over 14 years Heshie has dedicated herself to understanding and sharing the secrets of human connections. Heshie’s strategies for making connections that count bring success in the workplace and in life.


Read a great writeup about Heshie.


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3 Responses to Heshie Segal Connecting Professionals and Helping Millions

  1. Pingback: Pre Live Your Peace Summit | Live Your Peace

  2. Thank you for sharing this story!!

  3. Pingback: Leadership and Development Training Speaker at JV Alert | Live Your Peace

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