Eiji Morishita of America’s First Family of Sushi and Genius Squared Helps us be in our Genius

America’s Millionaire Movement Maker™ Eiji Morishita, is CEO of Genius Squared and Founder of Six Figure Speaking Secrets™ and the Genius Millionaire Academy™, the #1 Mastermind and Mentorship Experience for Empowering Entrepreneurs to create a movement and leave a lasting legacy.  Eiji is an entrepreneur and teacher at heart.  His family brought sushi over to America creating the sushi movement in the US.  Using his signature system, Eiji branded his family as “America’s First Family of Sushi” and took the business from six figures to seven figures.

Live Your Peace interviews
Eiji Morishita


At Genius Squared, we believe you have genius inside you, a unique gift, and a powerful message the world desperately needs to hear.  The world is drowning in information yet dying of thirst for wisdom.  Be the solution.

If you’re an entrepreneur, coach, healing practitioner, author, or speaker, we help you DEFINE your uniqueness, DESIGN your message, and DELIVER your gift to add an extra six figures to your business in a year or signature weekend event through speaking, the #1 way to attract clients and influence the masses.  We measure success not only by the results you achieve but by the number of lives you impact.

Contribution is a core value of Genius Squared.  Eiji’s personal mission is to end suicide worldwide and has created a movement.  A percentage of all revenue goes to create a foundation to end suicide.  He recently enjoyed the privilege of paying it forward by creating Teen Success Network’s online training for Teen Depression and Suicide.

Eiji has been interviewed by ABC News and been seen on TV in Canada and China.  He has spoken at the MBA program at UCLA.  Eiji is grateful to be able to travel around the world doing what he loves, empowering people, exploring new cultures and food.   He feels blessed to serve former professional athletes, Olympic medalists, military leaders, Grammy Award winning musicians, top producers in sales, and industry experts.  His family business has won numerous awards and featured on ABC Local and National News, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times.

Check out Eiji and Genius Squared’s Resources.
Call 800.207.6199
Visit GeniusSquared.com and SixFigureSpeakingSecrets.com

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