Be Social Be Rich with Martha Giffen

Martha Giffen works online full-time from the beautiful state of Alabama.  Her whole biz is portable because she operates mostly from my trusty laptop! She is an entrepreneur, motivator extraordinaire, social networking diva, online biz consultant, wife, Mom, and All-Around Happy Person!

Live Your Peace interviews
Martha Giffen

How it all started. . . . .

Martha Giffen came to the online marketing table after being a stay-at-home Mom for 20 years.  She had collected her share of college degrees, sold real estate for a while, but soon realized she really liked staying at home!  Martha had helped her husband start and build a lucrative biz that was going strong 25 years later and she really wanted a business of her own! She began reading success stories of people who were making money online by selling digital products.  She thought, “if they can do it, I can too!”  So, she jumped in and has never looked back!

Where it’s all lead. . . .

Martha’s success came fairly quickly.  After attending her first online marketing seminar in 2008, she can now say she is a contributing author of a best-selling Amazon book titled Money From Anywhere. She had her picture in a centerfold spread for Fast Company magazine, been listed in We online magazine for Women as one of the 100 women bloggers to watch in 2010, have had numerous guest spots on Blog Talk Radio shows, have spoken at workshops, operate several sites in different niches, and have been a somewhat regular guest on Women Are Not Funny Radio among other things!

Where it’s all going . . . .

What Martha is passionate about is helping others achieve online biz success so they can enjoy the freedom that comes from doing so.  She does that by teaching webinars, creating learning products, and recommending awesome products that she knows works!  You’ll find everything from getting started (Lingo List), to blogging (Profitable Blogger), to social networking (Best Tweet Tips), to article marketing, and everything in between on Martha’s blog.

Do you dream of owning your own business? Do you think there is money to be made on the internet and you want to be part of it?  Marth’s goal is to empower as many as possible to take the plunge, get started and just DO IT!

Check out more of Martha’s resources at:

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