10 steps to Create Miracles in Your Life with Susie Beiler!

So many people don’t feel they need miracles in their life… but these concepts aren’t just about creating miracles… They are about a better way to live your life and live your dream!

Be sure to listen to Susie Beiler about her free training series Create Miracles.

Live Your Peace interviews
Susie Beiler

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You have a lot of power!

In my friend Susie Beiler’s videos she shows you how to declare your miracles from a place of power and rally support to really make it happen.

Her videos will lay out for you what it takes to be a
miracle maker.

So many people don’t feel they need miracles in their life… but these concepts aren’t just about creating miracles… They are about a better way to live your life and live your dream!

Take a few minutes to watch and learn! Susie’s ground-breaking ideas are
definitely worth your time!
Interested? Sign Up NOW!
Video 2!
Video 3
Video 4
Right now you have everything you need to become a miracle maker.

You are a guru and leader of YOUR life. In fact, everything that is in your life right now is because of a choice that you made somewhere along the way.

Check Susie’s free video today!
Interested? Sign Up NOW!
Video 2!
Video 3
Video 4
If you haven’t guessed, I’m very excited by what Susie has created! It’s especially for everyone who asks me, “Ruth, how did you meet your 30/30 dream man, get gifted a trip to Indonesia, Speak on stage with superstar entrepreneurs, straighten your back without surgery and find so much to be grateful about?” the days I remember to create miracles. 🙂 Finally Susie walks us through her 10 step miracle creation process with grace, beauty, simple steps and contagious joy!

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