Day 5 Living on the Fringe as Thriving Artists with Melody Rose Parker


“One Peace at a Time” –It’s your event!

I’m so thrilled to have transformational teacher healer and artist Melody Rose Parker present this training to the Artists on the Fringes! I’m so excited that her work is available to help artists get paid handsomely for your gifts.

Who is this conversation for?

  • People who live on the fringe
  • People who who are dedicated musician, artist and expressive creative types
  • People who want to take advantage of personal gifts living on the fringe
  • People who come from a family of fringe artists and entrepreneurs
  • People who celebrate individual freedom in America
  • People who work out of love for the creative process
  • People who are willing to let go of the identity of a Starving Artist
  • People are willing to believe “You can make a living doing what you love”
  • People who support right brain creatives are the next evolution of the planet
  • People ready to discover how to do what you love and get paid handsomely
  • People willing to commit to transformation of your money conversation
  • People willing to be more of who you really are to have more of what you want

Who is this conversation not for?

  • People who afraid to live on the fringe
  • People who who can’t stand dedicated musicians, artists and creative types
  • People who choose to block personal gifts and avoid living on the fringe
  • People who don’t celebrate individual freedom in America
  • People who let fear of money trump the creative process
  • People who are not willing to let go of the identity of a Starving Artist
  • People who are not willing to work together generously in groups
  • People are not willing to believe “You can make a living doing what you love”
  • People who fear right brain creatives are the next evolution of the planet
  • People unwilling to invest in your personal development
  • People not willing to commit to transformation of your money conversation

This training isn’t for everyone. If you are not willing to get together with a group of friends for three weekends in a row for nine hours training on a webinar to receive tools to help transform your money conversation this isn’t for you.

Do you qualify? Yes! Ruth and Melody Rose I want to apply to work with you! Melody and Ruth, what you’ve done as change agents with 100% success rate for paying clients is just what me and my community need right now. I want to apply for your training.

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1 Response to Day 5 Living on the Fringe as Thriving Artists with Melody Rose Parker

  1. Pingback: Pre Live Your Peace Summit | Live Your Peace

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