Azim Khamisa discovers forgiveness can be taught to gangs and CEOs

What kind of man forgives the boy who took his son’s life? Having lost his only son Tariq to a gang-related murder, Azim N. Khamisa is a rare individual who not only speaks of powerful and life-changing concepts, but also walks his talk having created a foundation in his son’s name, the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, which dedicated to breaking the cycle of youth violence by empowering children, saving lives, and teaching peace. Discover the process that Azim used to forgive his son’s offender and what tools and training he provides for children in schools to choose an alternative to gang violence to repecting co-workers and boosting productivity, passion, team work and commitment in successful companies. Explore Azim’s journey of forgiveness and giving peace and understanding back to the community.

Live Your Peace interview
Azim Khamisa

Having lost his only son Tariq to a gang-related murder, Azim N. Khamisa is a rare individual who not only speaks of powerful and life-changing concepts, but also walks his talk having created a foundation in his son’s name, the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, which dedicated to breaking the cycle of youth violence by empowering children, saving lives, and teaching peace.  Azim is also the author of three best selling books, Azim’s Bardo – From Murder To Forgiveness – A Father’s Journey, From Forgiveness to Fulfilment, and The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit.

Please visit Azim’s resources at:

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