Kayla Finlay has converstions with the body

“Kayla Finlay is an instrument through which healing occurs.”

Kayla FinlayThe above is the only job definition Kayla Finlay permits herself or others for describing her lifework.  She has been functioning as this instrument since 1980, with a hands-on or hands-hovering simplicity of method, practised long before we codified and labeled human healing as reiki, surgery, ayurveda, pharmaceuticals, or as “techniques” of any kind.

Live Your Peace interviews
Kayla Finlay

Twelve Bowls and co-author of A Book of Miracle with Bernie Siegel M.D. In private or casual conversation Kayla will refer to her connection to Native traditions, and will use phrases such as the body’s divine guidance or spirit going where it needs to go. Think of it a Kayla rebooting the body and running on it’s intelligent programing.

But she is invested in no dogma, and more importantly, in her own words, she presents and channels her energy For the Highest Good for all concerned and humbly does not presume to know what the Divine Intention is.

Kayla has cared for herself, family, intimates, and  men, women, and children who suffered the triple grip of disease, extreme acute or chronic pain, and common modern “treatments.”  With the honed skills and consideration such firsthand knowledge provides, she is now expanding her clientele.

For clients not well enough to (or preferring not to) travel to her home-base of  Lexington, Virginia, Kayla is reviving the deeply-mourned lost practice of house-calls!

Locally, nationally and internationally she can come to your home, hospital, or hospice, as she has for many people in the past, and only charging travel expenses in addition to her compassionate sliding-scale fee.

Without jeopardizing her own family’s sustenance, and requesting any wisdom or resources on this subject folks may have to offer, Kayla is committed to finding ways to help those unable to afford her services either at her private practice, or on the road.

The testimonial page of this website goes one giant step past the usual un-certifiable blurbs: Many listed clients have, if assured of carefully respected circumstances, agreed to be phone or email references. With permission, Kayla will pass the contact data of a prospective client onto a past client who will privately and accurately share their opinion of Finlay’s services.

For more of Kalya’s resources visit:

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