Rich Dreams with Tom and Penelope Pauley

facebook profile First let me say, this isn’t my typical 25-55 minute interview. My guests truly shared some of their best stuff for over 1.5 hours (Stuff that I gladly choose to pay a couple grand to learn from them). So I’m going let you know this in depth conversation ranges from experience that seem sci-fi like cell phones or the internet seemed up until the end of our last millenium. We’ll be sharing very personal stuff about our dreams, the ability to communicate with people and pre sell them on products and services through a meditative, alpha state and how the father of this dynamic dad, daughter duo recovered from multiple strokes using his very tools that made him and his clients so rich despite the vegetable state the doctors considered was his permanente fate!

Ruth Anne Wood interviews
Tom & Penelope Pauley

Penelope and Tom Pauley of RichDreams.comRuth Anne Wood, Scripting for Success CEO, Live Your Peace host

I’m honored to share a conversation with this lively, generous pair, Tom and Penelope Pauley who are in the business of making people rich. Whether writing advertising for large and small companies or selling everything from advertising and real estate to life insurance and power factor correction. They’ve made many people rich and a few very rich.

In their first internet venture, a small technical website, Penelope Pauley and her dad brought in $11,000,000 in 3½ years using two brand new discoveries, Quantum Marketing and Quantum Selling. Both are revolutionary, cutting-edge systems (powerful 21st Century selling secrets) which are changing the dynamics of finding, attracting and closing business.

The amazing thing is these same systems can lift your personal life to unbridled success and happiness.

Tom Pauley makes no apologies for his writing and selling skills. He is a salesman and there’s not much he can do about it. Although since his stroke he has a new, softer understanding of what that means.

Unfortunately, his selling skills didn’t always translate into personal success. Early on he went bankrupt twice before meeting their teacher Marlyn and learning a system for getting everything thy want in life. Penelope and Tom wrote a book sharing their family’s rise to a rich and happy life and they included the system they used. I first read I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams–I Am. I Am. I Am.: How to Get Everything You Want in Life in February of 2012 and quickly began checking desires off my list… got a dream job helping more people at a wellness center, began making more profitable connections and joint ventures with big time entrepreneurs, was infused with the passion, desire and focus to get really healthy eating organic green smoothie’s daily and swimming a couple miles a week, won raffle tickets one after another from the three events I attended. Amazing people have began calling for my services when I use the meditation they teach. Friends are saying I’m looking radiant! I think the biggest factor is the Quantum Selling I’m using to connect with what I want on a more accelerated level. This includes using what I learned from Tom and Penelope during an amazing adventure with my husband in Portugal, France and Spain in May.

Along the way Tom and Penelope began marketing their personal and professional courses and seminars on the internet, RichDreams and Quantum Selling. And they were doing great until March 28, 2009. That’s the day Tom was rushed to ER with a brain stroke.

That first day in Saddleback Hospital Tom had seven strokes. One massive mother way too close to his brain stem. After a grueling night of leaving his body, watching the doctors and nurses work to keep him alive and a really amazing near death experience Tom Pauley decided to live.

Tom woke completely paralyzed on his right side. His family were told he would never walk, talk, move his right arm or leg, feed himself, or even sit up ever again. He tried to argue, but all he could do was make gurgling noises. In addition to publicly sharing what Tom experienced on a physical and spiritual level around his stroke… stuff his daughter Penelope heard for the first time about her dad’s experience and the gift in all of this in the work they do. If this wasn’t powerful enough, Penelope generously gifted us with a powerful mediation at the end that if listened to once, twice and multiple times your life will connect with others on a whole new heart opening way.

During this rare in depth 1:42 minute conversation between Tom and Penelope Pauley of RichDreams you will go on a journey that just might be a turning point in your ability connect with others and fulfill your desires thanks to this rare personal conversation with Live Your Peace host and Scripting for Success CEO, Ruth Anne Wood and RichDreams and Quantum Selling Tom and Penelope Pauley.

  • Who do you know that could benefit from improved health and wealth?
  • If you were transformed by the stories and Penelope’s closing meditation please share Ruth’s RichDreams interview.
  • What did you experience during the meditation?
  • Would you like to learn more about how to talk to prospects in the alpha state and pre sell them?
  • Were you just as moved by Tom’s expanded perspective after his strokes as we were during the conversation?
  • Post your insights in the comment section. Thank you!

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    1 Response to Rich Dreams with Tom and Penelope Pauley

    1. ruthanne says:

      Thank you Tom and Penelope for a truly heart opening conversation on our new expansive world. Many times during the conversation I had tears of joy and deep connection in my eyes. I feel this is just the beginning of this deep and powerful sharing together.

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