Bucks County Housing Group Brings Peace Helping Homelessness

Bucks County Housing GroupOn Live Your Peace Ruth Anne Wood chats with Bucks County Housing Group’s Development officer Melissa Mantz about how helping address homelessness that affects a staggering 1200 families in the Bucks community brings about peace. There are so many sectors affected by homelessness from military vets, foster kids aged out of the system, aging seniors, struggling single parents, mentally ill, sick and poor people passing on the struggle from one generation to the next or young couples unable to afford their first residence. Right in our own community there are many ways to help all year long bchg.org.  

Ruth Anne Wood interviews
Melissa Mantz of Bucks County Housing Group

What is Bucks County Housing Group?

BCHG is a multifaceted organization which was founded in 1979 and provides free services throughout Bucks County. Our mission: “Bucks County Housing Group works to advance the interests of people with low-moderate income and people in crisis by providing affordable housing and related social services.” BCHG is Bucks County’s largest homeless services provider, with transitional family programs on 5 sites located in Lower, Central and Upper Bucks County.Other BCHG programs include a new Rapid Re-housing ARRA program; county bridge and transitional housing programs; 3 food pantries (32,000 visits in 2009); service-enriched low-income housing (80 rental units); financial, mortgage, and foreclosure counseling (500 households in 2009); Wheelz2Work to provide vehicles to needy families (24 in 2009); and a newly-opened community center in a low-income neighborhood.

How can you help?

Bucks Housing Group






Bucks County Housing Group offers many volunteer opportunities; from financial donations to organizing food drives to driving clients to appointments- they can develop a volunteer opportunity that is just right for individuals and groups of all ages.

Time is a most precious commodity in our culture, especially in fast-paced Bucks County! We offer flexible schedules and include all age groups in our volunteer efforts.

Volunteer projects are as varied as those who volunteer-we welcome long-term help as well as one-time-only support; however we do not typically offer volunteer opportunities on Thanksgiving Day OR Christmas Day.

Visit Bucks County Housing Group’s resources at: bchg.org


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